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Object - Issuer#

Description: Object describing the issuer of the cap table (the company whose cap table this is)

Data Type: OCF Object - ISSUER

Composed From:


Property Type Description Required
id STRING Identifier for the object REQUIRED
comments [STRING] Unstructured text comments related to and stored for the object -
object_type Constant: ISSUER
Defined in schema/enums/ObjectType
Object type field REQUIRED
legal_name STRING Legal name of the issuer REQUIRED
dba STRING Doing Business As name -
formation_date schema/types/Date Date of formation REQUIRED
country_of_formation schema/types/CountryCode The country where the issuer company was legally formed (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) REQUIRED
country_subdivision_of_formation schema/types/CountrySubdivisionCode The state, province, or subdivision where the issuer company was legally formed -
tax_ids [ schema/types/TaxID ] The tax ids for this issuer company -
email schema/types/Email A work email that the issuer company can be reached at -
phone schema/types/Phone A phone number that the issuer company can be reached at -
address schema/types/Address The headquarters address of the issuing company -

Source Code: schema/objects/Issuer

Copyright © 2023 Open Cap Table Coalition.