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Object - Valuation#

Description: Object describing a valuation used in the cap table

Data Type: OCF Object - VALUATION

Composed From:


Property Type Description Required
id STRING Identifier for the object REQUIRED
comments [STRING] Unstructured text comments related to and stored for the object -
object_type Constant: VALUATION
Defined in schema/enums/ObjectType
Object type field REQUIRED
provider STRING Entity which provided the valuation -
board_approval_date schema/types/Date Date on which board approved the valuation. This is essential for 409A valuations, in particular, which require the Board to approve the valuation. -
price_per_share schema/types/Monetary Valued price per share REQUIRED
effective_date schema/types/Date Date on which this valuation is first valid REQUIRED
stock_class_id STRING Identifier of the stock class for this valuation REQUIRED
valuation_type Enum - Valuation Type

Description: Enumeration of valuation types

• 409A
Seam for supporting different types of valuations in future versions REQUIRED

Source Code: schema/objects/Valuation


    "id": "892e8b19-ed26-4049-9ada-a5cf816376fd",
    "object_type": "VALUATION",
    "provider": "Bob's quality, discount valuations",
    "price_per_share": {
      "amount": "10000000.00",
      "currency": "USD"
    "effective_date": "2022-01-28",
    "valuation_type": "409A",
    "stock_class_id": "8d8371e8-d41d-4a49-9f42-b91758fd155d",
    "comments": [
      "Wow, what a great deal this guy gave us."

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