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Type - Vesting Period in Months#

Describes a period of time expressed in months (e.g. 3 months) for use in Vesting Terms.

Data Type: OCF TYPE


Property Type Description Required
length INTEGER The quantity of type units of time; e.g. for 3 months, this would be 3; for 30 days, this would be 30 REQUIRED
type Constant: MONTHS Scalar Constant REQUIRED
occurrences INTEGER The number of times this vesting period triggers. If vesting occurs monthly for 36 months, for example, this would be 36 REQUIRED
day_of_month Enum - Vesting Day of Month

Description: Enumeration representing a vesting "day of month". Since not all months have 29, 30, or 31 days, this enum requires those values to also specify an overflow behavior.
- 01 - 28 : Day 1, 2... 28 of the month; e.g. 03 means vesting occurs on the 3rd of the month.
- 29_OR_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH - 31_OR_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH : Day 29, 30, or 31 of the month, defaulting to the last day of the month for shorter months; e.g. 31_OR_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH means monthly vesting occurs on Jan 31, Feb 28/29, Mar 31, Apr 30, etc.
- VESTING_START_DAY_OR_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH vests on the same day of month as the day of the VESTING_START condition; e.g. if vesting commences on Jan 15 then any vesting will accrue on the 15th of future vesting months. If vesting commencement occurs on days 29-31, this has the same behavior as the other *_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH values.

• 01
• 02
• 03
• 04
• 05
• 06
• 07
• 08
• 09
• 10
• 11
• 12
• 13
• 14
• 15
• 16
• 17
• 18
• 19
• 20
• 21
• 22
• 23
• 24
• 25
• 26
• 27
• 28
The calendar day of a month to award vesting. REQUIRED

Source Code: schema/types/vesting/VestingPeriodInMonths

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